

Tuesday, 23 April 2013


 Farfett żgħir b'ħafna kuluri             
 Itir u jogħla fuq il-fjuri
 Hemm araħ kemm hu sabiħ
 Issa niezel biex jistrieh

 Meta jigi farfett hdejk
 Taqbadx lilu ġewwa jdejk
 Ħu pjaċir u ħares biss
 Titħajjarx li lilu tmiss


Butterfly Life Cycle game

Put in order the Life cycle of a Butterfly

L-ittra tal-ġimgħa

Din il-ġimgħa qegħdin nitgħallmu l-ittra f.  Tinsewx tilgħabu l-logħba tal-ittri maż-żgħar tagħkom

Friday, 12 April 2013

The library

This is one of the books from 'The Oxford Reading Tree' we are reading in class. The children are getting well familiar with the characters of the Oxford Reading Tree. From the sequence activity of the story we do, I can tell that they comprehend the story even though I use English all the way.
                                 Now click on activity 2 to do the sequence online.

Trees are terrific

Jigsaw puzzle of a fruit tree

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Memory game about fruits


l-ittra tal ġimgħa

Din il-ġimgħa qegħdin nitgħallmu l-ittra z.  Tinsewx tilgħabu l-logħba tal-ittri mat-tfal tagħkom.

Il-poeżija is-siġra

Ara dis-siġra kemm hi sabiħa
Mimlija weraq u tarmi l-fwieħa.
Min jaf kemm damet biex kibret hekk 
X'irridu nagħmlu biex tibqa' hawnhekk.
Nibżgħu għaliha, ma nqaċċtuhiex
Għax infittxuha u ma nsibuhiex

Jigsaw puzzle of a Plane tree

                                              The Plane tree gives us shade